Applications Fields
- Die Cavity of Molds
- Bearings and other
- Failure analysis of pressure vessel, steam gene rator and other
- Heavy work
- The installed machinery and permanently assembled
- Testing surface of a small hollow
- Requirements of formal original record for test
- Material identification in the warehouse of metallic
- Rapid testing in large range and multi-measuring areas for large-scale work
Application Conditions
- Surface temperature can’t be overheat, less than 120 °C.
- Surface roughness should not be too large, otherwise it will cause error exposed metallic luster, smoothing and polish, without oil.
- The specimens with 2-Skg or thin-walled specimens overhangs sbould be supported with some object in order to avoid the specimen deformation ,bendingand movemJ,P cal:::lsed by’l_m act, for medium-sized work piece ,it shall be placed on a flat and hard surface, the sample must biz-‘p aced abso1’tit ely s,rnooth ly, without any shake, for heavy samples more than 5kg, it can be measured direot y without any
- Portable Leeb hardness tester has strict requiremen s for samp thickness , the minimum thickness shall comply with regulatory(see instructions).
- For work piece with hardened layer 0n surface the dep b of hardened layer should conform to regul
- For lighter parts,please make it tig tly coupled with support, two coupled surface must be fiat and smooth,the coupling gel should not be too much, the direction of the test shall be perpendicular to the coupling plate; if the work piece is a large plate, pole or bending material, even if the weight and thickness is ok ,it may st ill cause de formation and instability, resulting in test values error, t should be reinforced or supported at the back of the test points.
- Magnetic of work piece sho ld be less than 30
- For artifact surface : The work piece surface is preferably When the curvature radius R of measured surface is less than 30mm,the work pieces should be tested with the small support ring or the shaped support rings.
Working Conditions
- Working tempe rature : -10°( – + 50°( ,
- Storage temperature : -30°C – + 60°C ,
- Relative humidity : s:90% ,
- The surrounding environment should avoid of vibration, strong magnetic field, corrosive medium and heavy
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